How many points need for universities admissions in Bangladesh

University admissions.
How many points need for universities admissions.

How many points are there in SSC and HSC needs? which universities will be offered admission test. Find out how much your GPA will need to be admitted to a university.

How Much GPA Points is Required for Guccha University Admission Test in Bangladesh

2021 এ ২০টি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে গুচ্ছ পদ্ধতিতে ভর্তি পরীক্ষায় আবেদনের যোগ্যতাঃ

  • বিজ্ঞানের বিভাগের শিক্ষার্থীদেরকে চতুর্থ বিষয়সহ নূন্যতম জিপিএ ৭ থাকতে হবে,
  • কমার্স বিভাগের শিক্ষার্থীদের ক্ষেত্রে সাড়ে ৬ থাকতে হবে,
  • আর্টস বিভাগের শিক্ষার্থীদের ক্ষেত্রে উভয় পরীক্ষায় চতুর্থ বিষয়সহ ৬ থাকতে হবে।

University of Dhaka

  • Science =8.00: Science Total 3.50 + 3.50 = 8,
  • Arts = 7.00: Total 7 of Arts,
  • Commerce = 7.50: Commerce total 7.50 GPA,

Jagannath University

  • Science =8.00,
  • Arts = 7.50,
  • Commerce =8.00,
  • Note: (For A, B, C, D unit should be 3.50 + 3.50 separately)),
    (Science, arts, commerce students can apply to B, C, D unit).

Jahangirnagar University

  • Science = 7.00-8.50,
  • Arts = 6.00-8.50,
  • Commerce =6.00-8.50,
  • Note: (Jahangirnagar University changes the GPA on Subject),
    (3.50 + 3.50 for A, B, D, E, G, H unit)),
    (3.00 + 3.00 for C, F unit).

Rajshahi University

  • Science =8.00,
  • Arts = 7.00,
  • Commerce = 7.50,
  • (For Arts should have 3.00 + 3.00),
    (3.50+ 3.50 For in Science & Commerce).

Chittagong University

  • Science = 5.25-6.75,
  • Arts = 5.25-6.75,
  • Commerce = 5.25-6.75,
  • (For Arts should have 2.75+ 2.50 = 5.75),
    (3.00+3.00 = 7 For in Science & Commerce).

Shahjalal University

  • Science = 7.00,
  • Arts = 6.50,
  • Commerce = 6.50,
  • (For Arts should have 3.00+ 3.00 = 6.50),
    (3.00+3.00 = 7 For in Science & Commerce).

Barisal University

  • Science = 7.00,
  • Arts = 6.00,
  • Commerce = 6.50,

Islamic University

  • Science = 7.00-7.50,
  • Arts = 6.50,
  • Commerce = 6.75,

Comilla University

  • Science = 7.00,
  • Arts = 6.50,
  • Commerce = 7.00,

Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University

  • Science = 6.50-7.50,
  • Arts = 6.00-6.50,
  • Commerce = 6.50-7.50,

Begum Rokeya University

  • Science = 6.50-7.50,
  • Arts = Arts = 6.50-7.00,
  • Commerce = 6.50-7.50,
  • (Unit based GPA is counted at Begum Rokeya University).

Khulna University

  • Science = 7.00-8.00,
  • Arts = 7.00-8.00,
  • Commerce = 7.00-8.00,

Gov. Medical

  • SSC and HSC (3.50 + 3.50) = 9.00,

Begum Rokeya University

  • SSC and HSC> (4.00 + 4.00) = 8.00,
  • Subject wise GPA = English, Subject of scienc.
  • (Unit based GPA is counted at Begum Rokeya University).

Here, Discussion with some universities have been examined in the first place, all the universities should publish this year’s circular, the details will be posted separately for all the universities. Prepare for you.

DU “D” Unit and other related topics:

→ If B-grade (GP-3) can not be applied to the D unit (for all cases).
→ Arts 7 points, minimum 8 points for the Commerce.
→ Only for Science: SSC GPA of 3.50+ HSC and minimum GPA of 3.50 with Total GPA 8.
→ Fourth subject Countable.
→ By SSC GPA 6, HSC GPA will be 80 marks by a total of 80 Mark GPA Count.
→ There will be a question of 120 marks in the admission test. The total score will be 200 marks.

Disclaimer: The post given just for the idea. All information collected from online/Google search. GPA Point may be less or increase. This is an approximate report. University or Gov. Authorities can change the rules anytime. So, the website authorities will not be liable if any losses occur.