
All Viral Link For You

Viral is one of the most used words in Google, YouTube, and Facebook in the 21st. The Google Translator, which has a connotative meaning of viruses and its practical meaning is toxic, poisonous, malicious, naughty. Nowadays, the word viral is widely used in social media. Everything from the photo of a star wedding to the secret phone call to Hillary Clinton is going viral these days.

What is viral?

It is viral to spread a related image, video or any information without the permission or ownership of a person or a subject. Nowadays, viral has become a trend. Many have created their own viral videos just to be popular or to gain fame. However, in our society, the word viral is being used in a very negative way. Just because someone does a bad thing, they are instantly viral through social media. He has come out on social media and has gone viral on others. Even suicide is becoming viral nowadays through social media in the form of video. This is a category that is accepted by others as viral. And there is one class who are virally their own videos just for the sake of fame. It is not just that they are using social media negatives but also that they are putting themselves at risk. Many are doing things that are breaking the law, without having to deal with their emotions. Which is affecting his personal and social life later?

It’s not just that the viral has to be negative. The current youth is much more aware. They have created new ways of working against injustice. Wherever it looks wrong, it is viral through video or blogging. Due to this, there is a growing awareness among the entire nation. So before anything goes viral, both positive and negative aspects need to be taken into consideration.

Police SI Akbar Arrest Video

সিলেটের বন্দরবাজার পুলিশ ফাঁড়ির পলাতক ইনচার্জ এসআই (বরখাস্ত) আকবর হোসেন ভূঁঞাকে কানাইঘাটের সীমান্তবর্তী ডোনা এলাকা থেকে জেলা পুলিশের একটি দল গ্রেপ্তার করে।-Source: Prothom alo

Viral content

No matter what sector you are in, the importance of viral content in the success of your business may not be over. Is there anyone who hasn’t listened to Korean pop star Sai’s ‘Gangnam Style’? Or that famous song ‘Kola Vary D’ from Tamil Cinema Three? Most of the lyrics in both of these songs may have been passed on to us all. Yet why did these two songs transmit virus-like our Facebook newsfeed?

What’s the gain

First, let us know what you or I gain by knowing about viral content. Profit is definitely there. As I said a little bit earlier, being able to go viral for any type of business means guaranteed profit! And if your business model is on the Internet, then it doesn’t matter! Let’s say you have an e-commerce shop where you sell boys t-shirts. Just like a viral video will introduce your brand to a potential buyer, it will help keep your organization’s name intact on the surface of the old buyer’s brain. The more infectious your content, the more ‘word of mouth’ marketing is. That is, being able to create viral content means that the profit margin is heavy. What do I mean?

What is a Word of Mouth?

Word of mouth refers to the transmission of information from one person to another in a non-commercial process. For example, an initiative taken by the Ministry of Religion of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was discussed on social media. Through videography, the initiative was spread to the general public. Many of you may have seen the video. Despite the ban on the walls of the mosque city Dhaka, there was no shortage of people to urinate here! It was probably written in Bengal that many did not give importance to the matter. But it is customary to do such a thing on the mosque-adjacent walls.

The Ministry of Religion took another initiative. The same word was written in Arabic instead of in Bengal. The result was hopeless. There has been a lot of talk on social media for and against this video. But if the Ministry of Religion advertised the matter on television, would we have seen the same result? It is said that marketing is much more effective in marketing commercials, such as advertising on the radio, placing billboards or broadcasting TVCs, than in delivering product news from customer to customer. But behind the huge success of Tamil Cinema Three is the song Kola Vary D. Word of mouth marketing is more effective than any other medium, not only online but also offline.

As the news of the UK restaurant is freezing in Ramadan, you will probably tell at least one of the stories about the offer. Does your friend consider your words as seriously as you would if they saw the same ad more important than yours? Never! In the current era, online usage of W&M is only 5%. The remaining 5% usage can be noticed offline. The biggest reason behind this success in the Word of Mouth marketing is that we always trust someone, such as friends or relatives, more than traditional advertising. In addition, a buyer can encourage ten more to buy.

Is the content virality just a game of luck, or something else?
No! Virality is not a gambling gift. There are certainly some factors behind this. Professor Jonah Berger calls these factors together STEPPS, a list of six features. The more content a six content combines, the more viral the content will be. And as mentioned earlier, viral content will trigger discussion about your brand or product. Profit is yours at the end of the day. The terms of STEPPS are:

  • Social currency
  • Triggers
  • Emotion
  • Public
  • Practical Value
  • Stories

What do we share or talk about? Do you remember when you last shared something on Facebook? Do you have an answer to why you did it? If not, take a look.

1. Social Sharing is what we share, which gives us a specific image. Each of us is constantly trying to highlight one of our own personalities. As there are some who love to think of themselves as sci-fi, there are some who love to think of themselves as a bit rough, some love to be a huge fan of music! If any content helps to capture this particular image or person, we share it. Like Rafid, my friend always uses the latest model phones. He has a lot of glory in this too. The first one of us shared the link to this news when the popular mobile phone brand One Plus Tour came to market. He keeps all this news, and it is understandable when he looks at his shared content a little. I personally am a little laggard and my current phone is a model about six years ago. It is natural for me to be more inclined to share this news than Rafi. That is, it appears that people share exactly what it is that helps them to present themselves in a certain way. People love to walk in groups from the beginning of creation. Everyone wants to join a team.

So whenever he shares something, he seems to be inside a certain group, he will share it. Microsoft did a beta test for a while before the Ten versions of Windows officially came to market. Many of the friend’s lists were then rumored to use Windows Ten and share screenshots of it on social media! Tell me what was the reason? People love to point out that he has exclusive information that many do not have. That means, again, the persona or the image is about to be created. Remember, the better the content of the content that people want or desire, the more content will be shared.

2. There is a tendency to over-share certain content at certain times or in the environment. Think about the time of playing cricket with another country. Cricket, cricket, and match-related posts are often seen throughout the newsfeed. These words revolve around friends’ conversations. Thousands of fun songs or pictures are shared during the festival of sacrifice! Do you know why this is so? We share time and circumstances in harmony. Students share more about the content of the test during the exam, the workers share more fun posts with the office on the working days. That way, if you can create the right content at certain times, its virality will be high.

4. Emotion – We share what we care about and emotions can be very different. Such feelings are positive – happiness,

How to go viral on YouTube?

Many people are currently busy with YouTube, many are visiting this blog – how to make your channel videos viral. Many channels have opened a channel after watching many tutorials, videos are up, but they are not getting the desired visitor, which in turn makes me think of the person who started the tutorial. It’s not her fault, she taught you right, you made a mistake somewhere, or you didn’t do what she was shown.

Let’s not talk about it, come to work. Your video needs to go viral, what do you need to do for it? Some of the most common tasks that you have seen in many tutorials are the ones we will do today but in a slightly different way.
This article must be read before reading the following points
Keep in mind these two points:

* What is the right time to make a Youtube channel video?
* How to use tags in videos?

One more thing you can do with your channel to open a blog. Because this blog will be useful later. Let’s get down to work.

  • To make the video viral, please share the video on social sites as much as possible. You will also tune in to your blog.
  • Look below the tune you have on your blog, there are many options to share, open an account on all of them and then share them.
  • Don’t make a video, take care of the video. Use as good a video editing software as possible for video editing.
  • Video content will create fun, engaging, or informative content, making your video more likely to go viral.
  • Never make videos on controversial topics.
  • Add your logo or information to your website in your video.
  • Of course, good cameras and editing equipment will be used, if you need to spend money and do not buy them, then get professional help.
  • Keep video resolution as high as possible, so that your viewers can see your video in the clear.
  • Try making a series of videos, so your visitors will be waiting for your next video.
  • Want feedback from your visitor, ask them to like and tweet. There are many visitors, they do not want to do it without saying.
  • Do not use music in the video that is not yours. And of course, remember that titles are very important to your content.
  • Tag it with keywords, helping people find your video.
  • Publish your article in your blog, Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, etc., in the form of articles in your video link.
  • Add an e-mail subscriber to the blog where you have tuned the video. Ask your visitor to subscribe to it, then a notification will be sent to him as soon as the new video is uploaded.
  • Join your video related communities on Google Plus. And keep turning your link to it.
  • Make a script in advance of the subject that will make the video, so it will be easier to make the video while the video is being created.
  • Advertising will not make videos with this mindset, it will give people information like this.
  • If possible, you can play live with your webcam, so people will see your office or home, as well as see you. This will build trust between them, and the next day they will have this in their head as we see today the boy will show us a new funny video.

Viral Viral

We call it viral when a picture, video, or text is swept away like wildfire online. These pictures, videos or texts are often wrecked in the woods. Some come out of the stream into a fixed seat car. Some of these have a serious impact on society. Some of the viral things just go for joy, some think or cry.

When did you go viral? Ever since social media has become popular – everyone knows the simple answer. Viral is the child of the Internet. However, when the Internet did not come, or even many things went viral. Let’s think about it a little differently. Imagine the promise of mining. There was no written form, but even today, people are talking about mining. Because the word mining has become analog in one sense. At that time, the medium was simply a person’s face. The witch miner used to prophesy. They could also be used as a result. There was no limit to human wonder. One of the others talked about the promise of mining. Thus, the promise of mining is sustained from generation to generation. How do any things in the modern world go viral? Or how to go viral? The answer lies in the words of the miners. We are coming to that later.

For the first time online, the word viral was used by US author Seth Godin. On July 31, 2000, an article titled ‘Anlish Your Ideavirus’ was written by Fast There, “Have the Idea Behind Your Online Experience Go Viral …”. What happened to the article is not known, but the word viral has since gone viral.

Viral starts on ‘Bad Day’

Many people will watch the video in the year 1997. The video is enclosed in a closed-circuit camera. Huge Bapu and Bumwhala are sitting in front of a US CRT monitor at a US servant. You could not get the benefit of a regular storm on the keyboard. At one point he took up the keyboard in anger and resentment because ‘command’ was not working. He hit the monitor. His anger did not subside even after leaving the monitor behind the table. The fellow at the desk next to the desk raised his head and tried to ignite it. Meanwhile, the workers, who were angry and kicked, sat down and kicked the monitor. This 20-second ‘Bad Day’ is recognized as the first viral video. The video was emailed. You know, Facebook, YouTube has not been born yet.

The video has been widely circulated, except for one year after receiving that job. His name is Vinny LitchiRD. He was the shipping manager of a technology company called Lorenix Information Systems in Colorado, USA. The video became a hot topic for CNN, NBC TV, and The Wall Street Journal, as the video spread.

Interestingly, the video was sorted. Lantronix Information Systems brought digital video-security to the market on the 5th. The video was made to show people the need for it. After making it, the CD is distributed to various places. Then it was spread by e-mail. The rest is history!

Good And Bad of Viral

Is it simply viral? The Internet, even human life, mixes good and evil. The world recognized Uganda’s notorious criminal Joseph Connie for the sake of a viral video. In 2012, US-based producer Jason Russell created a documentary called Connie 2012. The main character was Jacob, whose older brother was killed by Joseph Connie, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leader. Not just Jacob’s brother, but who killed thousands of children and teenagers. Thousands of children and teenagers flock to the rebel group LRA. Conducted terrorist acts. The reign of terror is established. The girl sexually assaulted her children. Many parents are killed by children. Russell has been involved in producing the documentary since the introduction of his lost brother Jacob. When the video finally went viral in 2012, US officials also moved. Uganda also sent special forces to assist in the arrest of Connie. Connie was the most-watched video on YouTube at that time. Connie 2012 also emerged as the most viral video in Time magazine. According to a survey, half of the young people in the United States learned about Connie after the video went viral. Joseph Cooney, however, remains unfinished. However, its forces are on the verge of extinction. And children and teenagers in Uganda are now fear-free.

The reverse of the coin has the evil side of the viral. There are thousands of negative images, videos or text on the Internet. Online security is one of the solutions. The great thing is, viral does not mean credible. Since there is no editor on social media, whatever you want can be shared. Therefore, it is best to verify if unsure.

Want to make the post viral?

In trade and commerce, the word viral is quite popular. Who does not know, propaganda spread? Some of the sources for the viral post have been highlighted in two articles by Forbes and Upwork. The following eight suggestions are given in both. The funny thing is, what I was saying at the beginning, almost all its qualities exist in mining!

  • Positives: Positive things pull everyone. Pictures, articles, videos of any good work are appreciated by everyone.
  • Relationships: When the subject of the post matches with himself, people feel united. Don’t hesitate to share.
  • Emotion: The more people share what they love, the more they share. For example, mothers, children, the old, the animals – everyone is loved.
  • Time: Uploading immediately after an event increases the likelihood of going viral. In time, the accomplishment does not.
  • Story: People want to hear the story at the end of the day. Be it through writing, pictures or videos.
  • Requirements: When people see the news, it will be useful to inform a person nearby, then share it.
  • Global material: People around the world were concerned about the Amazon fire. As a result, the share of posts related to this has been huge.
  • Profit of the person: People want to look beautiful. Even if your cat looks nice, he cares.
    ….More Viral Links.

Reference: The Daily Prothom Alo.


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