Khudro o Kutir Shilpo Bscic Job circular

bscic job circular
BSCIC job circular

Khudro o Kutir Shilpo BSCIC Job circular publish job circular for Bangladeshi nationality. BSCIC publish the job circular in this website.


Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) is a major public sector organization engaged in the development and expansion of small and cottage industries in the country. BSCIC was born in the parliamentary law in 1957. BSCIC direct and indirect initiatives have created numerous industrial entrepreneurs and industrial enterprises in the country. Globalization and the impact of the free market economy appear to be a major obstacle to the marketing of small and cottage industrial products in this sector. BISIC provides the necessary opportunities to expand and develop all these existing and new industries and to survive in competition.

Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Job Circular

Today, a new recruitment notice has been issued for the job of Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation Applications can be made from 1/10/ 2019. PDF file of BSCIC job circular download.


Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation has recently issued a notification for the appointment of a total of 54 positions in the three 319 posts. According to the notification, you may also join the terms of qualification.

Applicability of application
The eligibility, experience, and age limit for applying for each position vary. The following notice will indicate the eligibility, experience and age limit for applying for the post.

Age of job application

The age of the candidate should be between 18 to 30 years on 02-09-2019. However, in the case of the children of the freedom fighter, freedom fighter son, the age is 32 years.

Application Rules

Interested candidates ( can fill out the application form from the website and submit it by the next date.BSCIC job circular, BSCIC job circular pdf, BSCIC job circular pdf download, kutir shilpo job circular 2019, bscic circular, job circular.

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